For Document’s Fall/Winter 2023 issue, Juergen Teller and Dovile Drizyte reimagine the artist’s iconic works in a portfolio with their baby, Iggy, as its star
Left: Kim Kardashian, System, 2015
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller, self-portrait, 2017
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Björk & son, The Face, 1993
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Iggy Pop, Document, 2022
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Document always asks me to photograph someone I find exciting. Two years ago it was Iggy Pop, at his home in Miami. He was excellent—such an inspiring person. Iggy left a deep impression on Dovile and I. Sometime after, our daughter was born, and we called her Iggy.
When Document found out we named our daughter after Iggy Pop, they said she had to be on the cover. That made me think…
Every parent has a cute picture of their newborn, but it would look ridiculous as a portfolio. After long consideration, I came up with the idea of Iggy Teller does Teller. We restaged what have been deemed my “iconic” photographs with Iggy.
We, as a family, had brilliant fun.
Left: Joan Didion, Céline advertising, 2014
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Victoria Beckham, Marc Jacobs advertising, 2007
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller & Dovile Drizyte, Arena HOMME+, 2021
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Kate Moss, 1998
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller & Charlotte Rampling, Louis XV, 2004
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Kristen McMenamy, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1996
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller, self-portrait, 2004
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller, self-portrait, The Business of Fashion, 2015
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Björk, The Face, 1993
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Saint Laurent advertising, 2018
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller, self-portrait, Self Service, 2009
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Irene Teller, 2002
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Kate Mahoney, Go-Sees, 1999
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Juergen Teller, self-portrait, 2005
Right: Iggy Teller, 2023
Left: Daria Werbowy, Céline advertising, 2012
Right: Iggy Teller, wearing Saint Laurent jewelry, 2023