Photographer Marie Deteneuille and Document's fashion and creative director Sarah Richardson collaborate on this fashion portfolio for Document’s Spring/Summer 2023 issue
Text by
Document Journal
Photography by
Marie Deteneuille
Fashion Director
Sarah Richardson
Photographer Marie Deteneuille and Document's fashion and creative director Sarah Richardson collaborate on this fashion portfolio for Document’s Spring/Summer 2023 issue
Models Essoye Mombot at Oui; Bliss Chapman at Kate Moss; Fenne Talens at Platform; Sofia Hansson at Nisch; Malaha Camara at The Claw; Julian Feck and Guo Jike at Rock Men. Hair Kei Terada at Julian Watson using Sachajuan. Makeup Mathias van Hooff at MA+Talent. Set Design Justine Ponthieux at CLM. Lighting Assistants Bertrand Jeannot, Greg Ponthus. Stylist Assistant Johanna Vikblom. Hair Assistant Sofien Semmache. Make-up Assistant Mika Meo. Set Design Assistants Anne Camille Allueva, Clemence Grouin-Rigaux. Production COMPANY. Production Director Madeleine Kiersztan. Casting Director Angus Munro at AMC Casting.
Fenne wears shirt by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Julian wears t-shirt, shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears dress by Theory Project.
Sofia wears top by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt, jacket, shorts, and sneakers by Theory Project. Right: Guo wears t-shirt, sweater, jacket, and shorts by Theory Project. Julian wears
shirt and jacket by
Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt and shorts by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and sneakers by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears top and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Fenne wears shirt, sweater, and trousers by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress by Theory Project. Right: Malaha wears shirt and jacket by Theory Project.
Fenne wears shirt by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Julian wears t-shirt, shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears dress by Theory Project.
Left: Julian wears t-shirt, shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears dress by Theory Project.
Sofia wears top by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt, jacket, shorts, and sneakers by Theory Project. Right: Guo wears t-shirt, sweater, jacket, and shorts by Theory Project. Julian wears
shirt and jacket by
Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt, jacket, shorts, and sneakers by Theory Project. Right: Guo wears t-shirt, sweater, jacket, and shorts by Theory Project. Julian wears
shirt and jacket by
Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt and shorts by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and sneakers by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt and shorts by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and sneakers by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears top and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears top and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Essoye wears dress and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Fenne wears shirt, sweater, and trousers by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress and jacket by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears shirt, jacket, and trousers by Theory Project. Fenne wears shirt, sweater, and trousers by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Bliss wears shirt by Theory Project. Right: Sofia wears top and skirt by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress by Theory Project. Right: Malaha wears shirt and jacket by Theory Project.
Left: Essoye wears dress by Theory Project. Right: Malaha wears shirt and jacket by Theory Project.