Photographer Michal Pudelka teams up with fashion editor Paul Sinclaire to capture an otherworldly series for Document. Click through the gallery for the full series.
Text by
Document Journal
Photography by
Michael Pudelka
Styling by
Paul Sinclaire
Photographer Michal Pudelka teams up with fashion editor Paul Sinclaire to capture an otherworldly series for Document. Click through the gallery for the full series.
Photographer Michal Pudelka. Stylist Paul Sinclaire. Models Adam at Red, Anders at Wilhelmina, Brandon at Msa, Jacob at Fusion, Joland at Red, Matt at Fusion, Max at Wilhelmina, Patrick at Red, Santiago at Society and Sylvester at Img. Producers Walker Hinerman and Katy Barker. Set Design Marianne Boesky. Fashion Assistant Marisa Cohen.
Left image: Adam wears shorts and boots by Rick Owens. Necklace by Balenciaga. Socks by Nike. Patrick wears shorts by Givenchy. Socks by Adidas. Shoes by J.W. Anderson. Right image: Sylvester wears sweater by Acne. Shorts by Prada. Necklace by Verdura. Bracelets by Balenciaga. Socks by Nike.
From Left: Santiago wears shorts by Adidas. Anders wears shorts & socks by Nike. Shoes by Givenchy. Max wears shorts by Rick Owens. Shoes by Church’s. Jacob wears shorts by Balenciaga. Socks by Nike. Shoes by Balenciaga.
From Left: Brandon wears coat by Gucci. Shorts by Adidas. Anders wears swimsuit by Speedo. Joland wears necklace by Givenchy.
Jacob wears shorts by Givenchy. Necklaces by Feathered Soul. Joland wears shorts by Fendi. Necklace by Givenchy.
Left image: Santiago wears shorts by Adidas. Necklace by Balenciaga. Socks by Nike. Shoes by Tom Ford. Anders wears swimsuit by Nike. Right image: Jacob wears shorts by Givenchy. Necklace by Feathered Soul. Socks by Adidas. Shoes by Givenchy. Brandon wears shorts by Prada. Bracelets by Pamela Love. Shoes by Dior Homme. Joland wears socks by Adidas. Shoes by Church’s.
From Left: Roland wears shorts and socks by Adidas. Shoes by Dunhill. Brandon wears suit by Gucci. Necklace by Givenchy. Matt wears shorts by Rick Owens. Necklace by Feathered Soul. Anders wears shorts and socks by Nike. Shoes by Dior Homme. Jacob wears swimsuit by Nike. Max wears swimsuit by Nike. Shoes by Church’s. Santiago wears shorts by Prada. Shoes by Church’s. Sylvester wears shorts by Rick Owens. Shoes by Tom Ford. Patrick wears shorts by Fendi. Adam wears pants by Gucci. Socks by Nike. Shoes by J.W.Anderson.