Mitch Epstein confronts America’s psychological darkness in ‘Sunshine Hotel’
From hippie snake charmers to Trump Tower cheerleaders, the photographer's latest book forces us to lower our defenses and reckon with the disorder and pain...

Borderlands: Mitch Epstein’s portfolio of America’s changing physical and social landscape
From gun-toting ranchers to sweeping mountain vistas, the photographer unravels the implicit and explicit politics of the US-Mexico border.

Land, dignity, and ethics: Mitch Epstein photographs the remnants of our American Dream
As centuries of environmental and human rights abuses come to a head, ‘Property Rights’ asks what we're willing to sacrifice.

Photographer Mitch Epstein on the incisive eye of his mentor Garry Winogrand
As ‘Garry Winogrand: Color’ opens at The Brooklyn Museum, his former student tells Document why the emotive character of Winogrand's color photography still resonates today.