Music Zsela’s new ‘Moth Dance’ music video peels back the curtain From a sprained ankle to soaring wings, Zsela tells Document about how this new music video brings her 'Big For You' album journey full circle
Art The dual voice of May Stevens Between Guerrilla Girls activism and lyrical abstraction, Stevens's art, currently exhibited At Mary Ryan Gallery and Ryan Lee Gallery, reveals multiple paths for feminist expression
Art The two sides of techno-speculation in DESTE Foundation’s ‘Dream Machines’ The exhibition catalogue considers the generative role of technology in art making and looks to old futures for signs of our present moment
Literature In ‘Trauma Plot,’ Jamie Hood writes herself whole again Through raw excavation and narrative shape-shifting, Hood transforms her assault wounds into a rebellion against literary conventions
Above the Fold Caitlin MacBride and Julia Weist question the institutional archive For Document, the artists meet to discuss object theory, museum hierarchies, and the responsibilities of creatives who grapple with American stories by Morgan Becker Above the Fold Julia Weist’s ‘Governing Body’ questions what we deem indecent in the scope of mainstream cinema The film rating system has a history of stigmatizing the female body. Is that their fault, or ours? by Morgan Becker
Above the Fold Caitlin MacBride and Julia Weist question the institutional archive For Document, the artists meet to discuss object theory, museum hierarchies, and the responsibilities of creatives who grapple with American stories by Morgan Becker
Above the Fold Julia Weist’s ‘Governing Body’ questions what we deem indecent in the scope of mainstream cinema The film rating system has a history of stigmatizing the female body. Is that their fault, or ours? by Morgan Becker