Photographer Larissa Hofmann and Document’s fashion and creative director Sarah Richardson collaborate on this fashion portfolio for Document’s Fall/Winter 2023 issue
Text by
Document Journal
Photography by
Larissa Hofmann
Fashion Director
Sarah Richardson
Photographer Larissa Hofmann and Document’s fashion and creative director Sarah Richardson collaborate on this fashion portfolio for Document’s Fall/Winter 2023 issue
Model Guinevere Van Seenus at DNA. Hair Franziska Presche at The Good Company Reps. Make-up Kanako Takase at Streeters. Set Design Danny Hyland at Streeters. Manicure Eri Narita at Walter Schupfer. Photo Assistants Pierre Lequeux, Benjamin Coppola. Stylist Assistant Johanna Vikblom. Set Design Assistants Clementine Debray, Vittorio Pessin. Production Theo Guillemot and Clément Camaret at Brachfeld/. Casting Director Angus Munro at AMC Casting. Special thanks to Ayesha Arefin and The Good Company Reps.
Guinevere wears dress by Givenchy.
Right: Bag by Givenchy.
Left: Bag by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Dress by Givenchy. Right: Shoes by Givenchy.
Left: Turtleneck, skirt, and
shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Turtleneck and jacket by Givenchy.
Left: Boots by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Shorts by Givenchy.
Right: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Guinevere wears dress by Givenchy.
Guinevere wears dress by Givenchy.
Right: Bag by Givenchy.
Right: Bag by Givenchy.
Left: Bag by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Bag by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Dress by Givenchy.
Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Dress by Givenchy. Right: Shoes by Givenchy.
Left: Dress by Givenchy. Right: Shoes by Givenchy.
Left: Turtleneck, skirt, and
shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Turtleneck and jacket by Givenchy.
Left: Turtleneck, skirt, and
shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Turtleneck and jacket by Givenchy.
Left: Boots by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Boots by Givenchy. Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Right: Dress by Givenchy.
Left: Shorts by Givenchy.
Right: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.
Left: Shorts by Givenchy.
Right: Dress and shoes by Givenchy.